Book Review: Sky in the Deep

OND ELDR.  BREATHE FIRE. HOLY MOLY THIS BOOK WAS GOOD. I love reading about different cultures, especially those set in a different time.  Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young has Viking roots, natural conflicts, and is an easy read.  If you haven’t read this book, there will not be spoilers in this review because you…

Book Review: Circe

“But gods are born of ichor and nectar, their excellences already bursting from their fingertips. So they find their fame by proving what they can mar: destroying cities, starting wars, breeding plagues and monsters. All that smoke and savor rising so delicately from our altars. It leaves only ash behind.” – Circe by Madeline Miller…

When Writing Becomes Hard

Hey everyone, So I am an awful blogger.  Horrible.  I am so inconsistent.  Even after I purchased my first ever computer, I just can’t muster up things to write on paper.  My brain is fried from the summer and having all three kids at home all day long.  There’s never alone time, or quiet time to…

Book Review: Caraval

“Remember, it’s only a game.”                                      – Stephanie Garber I definitely have a theme going here:  beautiful books.  I just cannot help myself.  In my last book review I touched on the fact that I am a book…

Book Review: The Cruel Prince

“GUARD YOUR MORTAL HEART”                                       – HOLLY BLACK Guard your mortal heart?  Indeed.  I didn’t know if mine could take any more!  I finished reading The Cruel Prince by Holly Black and I was floored.  I have…

the impossible

Hey friends! It’s been a long time since I’ve written a blog post, and I know that’s really bad for an aspiring writer…#facepalm.  Life has definitely been busy, and one of my goals this year is to make time to write every day.  Even if it’s not a blog post.  To journal.  To quote.  To keep…

The UnRead Shelf Project 2018

Welcome to 2018 everyone!! I’m back at the beginning of this year to discuss a new project I have become involved in, specifically for readers.  It’s called The UnRead Shelf Project.  Whitney, the @theunreadshelf is a local KC Bookstagrammer!  She has a passion for getting through those books, and it struck me just how many I have,…

Tutorial: DIY Mess-Free Road Trip Binder

Hey Everyone! We will be leaving shortly for our family vacation this year to Colorado, and while driving and seeing the sights can be fun, with kids in the car they need things to do!  We have a minivan that comes with a DVD player and both older kids have a Kindle, but I really…

Life vs. Design, and Rug Woes

Hey everyone! So my life has finally clashed with my design.  I knew this day would come.  It always does.  Life is random, and messy, and uncoordinated at times.  And when those times hit in the middle of a major remodel, design takes a backseat for awhile…or you change it.  We have been busy.  But in…

Off on a New Adventure

Hey everyone! So the bookcase project has been put on hold because I am on an adventure.  For 10 days.  Ten.  Without my kids.  Well, I substituted my young kids for about 30 college-aged students, who call me their Tour Mom.  Something you may not know about my husband, is that he is an Adjunct…